LIVE: Day 4 of Anna Hazare's indefinite fast
Ralegan Siddhi: Anna Hazare's indefinite fast demanding early passage of Jan Lokpal Bill in parliament entered fourth day today. Anna has made it clear this time that he'll not bow down to government pressure anymore
4.20pm-VK Singh: The public meeting that I attended with Narendra Modi was meant for raising the issues of ex-servicemen.I will support the cause of ex-servicemen even in the case it is raised by a Yamaraj's party. Gopal Rai loses his temper on petty issues and makes uncivilised comments.
4.19pm-VK Singh: They should know that VK Singh has no political ambitions.
4.18pm -VK Singh: Some people had joined Anna in the past. This time Anna asked them not to come. They thought Anna will bow down to them but Anna refused.
4.17pm-VK Singh: Anna asked him to leave because it is Anna's dais. I was talking about Jan Lokopal Bill. If anybody doesn't like it then let him leave the venue.
4.16pm-VK Singh: I don't know what Gopal Rai was saying ..It was uncivilized.
4:15pm-VK Singh: Lokpal Bill has been tabled in parliament for 9th time. Let it be passed in its present format, as it is.
4.19pm-VK Singh: They should know that VK Singh has no political ambitions.
4.18pm -VK Singh: Some people had joined Anna in the past. This time Anna asked them not to come. They thought Anna will bow down to them but Anna refused.
4.17pm-VK Singh: Anna asked him to leave because it is Anna's dais. I was talking about Jan Lokopal Bill. If anybody doesn't like it then let him leave the venue.
4.16pm-VK Singh: I don't know what Gopal Rai was saying ..It was uncivilized.
4:15pm-VK Singh: Lokpal Bill has been tabled in parliament for 9th time. Let it be passed in its present format, as it is.