Amethi: Senior AAP leader Kumar Vishwas today openly challenged Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi in his Lok Sabha constituency Amethi.Addressing the 'Jan Vishwas Rally' at Ramlila ground in Amethi, Kumar Vishwas appealed to the electorate of Amethi to bring to an end the dynastic politics of Congress party and throw Rahul gandhi out in next Lok Sabha elections."Amethi has to decide now. I am an 'aam aadmi' and he (Rahul Gandhi) is a prince. If Amethi wants, it can get rid of dynasty politics. Winning and losing is not the point, but what is important is we are challenging dynastic politics and corruption,"Kumar said.Kumar accused Rahul Gandhi of not paying any attention to real issues of people of Amethi.He reminded the audience that Rahul did not raise any Amethi related issue in parliament."Rahul Gandhi, prior to elections, turns up in Amethi seeking votes, but when the time comes to work for the people there, he never pays heed," said Kumar.Earlier, eggs were thrown at the car of Kumar Vishwas when he was on his way to Amethi. Kumar Vishwas wondered why his visit to Amethi was so being opposed so strongly.“Do I need to obtain any visa for visiting Amethi?” asked Kumar.“Those who believe that they can scare us by showing black flags and pelting stones are mistaken. We are here to stay and not to flee,” added Vishwas.Kumar Vishwas also apologized for his controversial remarks on certain section of society.“ I apologise if I have hurt the religious sentiments of people through my poems or speeches,” said Kumar.Kumar Vishwas said that people like him never wanted to contest elections but they were challenged by the ruling party to prove their credentials as people's representatives.Kumar Vishwas was shown black flags in the midst of his speech as well. An infuriated Kumar challenged them to take him on one -on- one.“ Don't show me black flags. Tell me the time and place, I'll come all alone ant it's a promise,” said Kumar.Vishwas also appealed AAP supporters not to get violent despite all these provocations.Vishwas said Rahul Gandhi would spend nights in Amethi to win the sympathy of people in his constituency, but that alone would not solve their problems.Senior AAP leader Sanjay Singh and the new recruit Ashutosh, the journalist-turned-politician, were also attended this rally.