Congress manifesto is a rehash: CPI-M
New Delhi: The manifesto released by the Congress for the Lok Sabha election "is a rehash of its earlier unfulfilled promises", the CPI-M said Thursday."Its fate is, hence, destined to remain unrealized," said an editorial
New Delhi: The manifesto released by the Congress for the Lok Sabha election "is a rehash of its earlier unfulfilled promises", the CPI-M said Thursday.
"Its fate is, hence, destined to remain unrealized," said an editorial in the CPI-M journal "People's Democracy".
The Communist Party of India-Marxist also made fun of the Congress for saying that its manifesto had been prepared after a "unique exercise" involving ordinary people.
"Clearly, the Congress is finding it novel to interact with people and to condescend to hear their aspirations," the journal said.
"Its fate is, hence, destined to remain unrealized," said an editorial in the CPI-M journal "People's Democracy".
The Communist Party of India-Marxist also made fun of the Congress for saying that its manifesto had been prepared after a "unique exercise" involving ordinary people.
"Clearly, the Congress is finding it novel to interact with people and to condescend to hear their aspirations," the journal said.