BJP MP Satyapal Singh calls Dadri lynching a 'small' incident
New Delhi: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Satyapal Singh has called the Dadri lynching case a 'small' incident."India has been successful in handling 'small' incidents like Dadri to other internal security issues," the Meerut MP,
New Delhi: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Satyapal Singh has called the Dadri lynching case a 'small' incident.
"India has been successful in handling 'small' incidents like Dadri to other internal security issues," the Meerut MP, who is also a former Mumbai Police Commissioner, said.
Singh's remark invited sharp criticism from opposition with Congress alleging that the statement shows the strategy of the ruling coalition.
"I am dismayed by the statement. It is a reflection of what the BJP is trying to do. It is all according to their strategy. It is a story of polarisation," Congress leader Ajoy Kumar said.
Last month, 50-year-old Muslim man Mohammad Akhlaq was beaten to death by a mob in Bishada village of Dadri over rumours that his family had stored beef in their fridge.
The incident sparked outrage in the country, with political parties attacking each other for the killing.
It should be noted that beef is banned in many states of India because cow is considered a sacred animal in this country.