Azam Khan blames mobile phones, porn for rape
New Delhi: Courting a new controversy, Uttar Pradesh Minister Azam Khan today blamed mobile phones for rapes in the country.“Two and half year olds are getting raped. Why? It's because of mobile phones. Even in
New Delhi: Courting a new controversy, Uttar Pradesh Minister Azam Khan today blamed mobile phones for rapes in the country.
“Two and half year olds are getting raped. Why? It's because of mobile phones. Even in villages people can download things,” Azam Khan said in a reference to porn available on internet.
“What you see in these mobile phones, it is accessible to little kids. It is these things that are accessible on mobile phones that is ruining the youth and kids who haven't even come of age,” Khan added.
Referring to child porn, senior member of Samajwadi Party said, “There are films made where little kids are used.”
Demanding action against porn, Khan asked, “What is being done about this? What punishment is given for this?”
In two shocking incidents recently in Delhi, two toddlers aged two and half years and five years, were raped.
A few months ago, the Union government banned over 100 porn websites but later retracted the ban after sharp reactions from all corners.