66 years of independence: Time for Indian politicians to grow up
New Delhi: Even after 66 years of independence, Indian politics remains as divided and fragmented as it was at the time of independence. We are witnessing the same sectarian divide dominating the political discourse. We
And their conduct in parliament is just inexplicable. Parliament is the place to discuss issues and find out a solution. But unfortunately, it has become a battleground of a different kind. If I am not happy with an issue, I will not debate it in the parliament; instead I'll not allow the parliament to function. What kind of attitude is this?
Ask BJP and they will remind you – this is what Congress used to do when NDA was in power. Do two wrongs make a right? Is the Indian taxpayer spending crores of Rupees on functioning of parliament so that they could settle their petty political scores in the temple of democracy? Isn't it the time for our politicians to grow up?
On 67th Independence Day today, let the politicians of India do some serious introspection and find out why the people of India don't trust them? Why is it that no non-political family in India wants their kids to venture into politics? Isn't it a big slap on the bloated egos of Indian politicians?