Rs 500 crore scam in Waqf board under SP leader Azam Khan?
Shia cleric Maulana Kalbe Jawad and Congress leader Faisal Lala from Rampur have alleged that Azam, who was in charge of the Minority Affairs ministry in the SP govt, had sold property of the Waqf board at cheap rates.
Senior Samajwadi Party leader and its prominent Muslim face Azam Khan has landed in deep controversy over accusations of having illegally acquired property worth Rs 500 crore of the Waqf board in his home constituency of Rampur.
Shia cleric Maulana Kalbe Jawad and Congress leader Faisal Lala from Rampur have alleged that Azam, who was in charge of the Minority Affairs ministry in the erstwhile Samajwadi Party government, had sold property of the Waqf board at cheap rates.
In his complaint, Faisal has said that Azam had unlawfully transferred the ownership of 3.5 acre of Waqf board property at Yusuf Garden to his close friend Shahzeb Khan and his wife.
Faisal further said that the leader then sold the same property after making his son a secret partner and made crores.
“He is a dictator. He destroyed thousands to establish his rule. This should be stopped immediately. An enquiry must be ordered to bring the facts to fore and also punish the responsible one,” he said.
The second allegation was levelled by Kalbe, who said that Azam overlooked rules in the appointment of the Chairman of the board. Besides, he had acquired a huge portion of board’s land to construct a private school and set up a stable, Kalbe alleged.
“The police action here was done at the behest of Azam Khan. He misused his position to acquire Waqf board property,” the cleric said.
Faisal further accused Azam Kahn of having constructed more than 200 shops illegally.
“I had raised the matter, but no one heeded it. He transferred the land to his trust and constructed a private school,” he said.
Azam, he said, even made huge money from Mohammad Ali Jauhar University. Faisal said that the soil at the university were originally extracted from a graveyard.
Azam Khan rejects corruption charges
Meanwhile, Khan has strongly rejected the charges of corruption in Waqf Board, saying the Shia cleric was resorting to take ‘revenge’ for not favouring him while he was in the power.
“I never acquired any property of the Waqf Board. I have no right on any property of the Waqf,” he said.
On allegation that the school constructed by his trust was also another medium for him to create an empire, he said, “Orphans are studying in my school. We give then free education, dresses and books.”
Khan also rejected the charge that he and his wife have been making money from Mohammad Ali Jauhar University. He claimed that not a single rupee from the university’s fund was diverted to his family.
On the other hand, Mohsin Raja, the incumbent Minister of the department, said that the BJP government has ordered an inspection of deals finalised in last 10 years.
“We are doing auditing of last 10 years deals. Whoever is responsible, I can assures you he will have to face the heat,” the Minister said.