Meet 103-year-old Asgar Ali, India’s oldest first time voter
New Delhi: The man with the proud grin on his wrinkled face is Mohammed Asgar Ali. Ali today pulled off a feat and caste first-ever vote at an age of 103 years, arguably making him
New Delhi: The man with the proud grin on his wrinkled face is Mohammed Asgar Ali. Ali today pulled off a feat and caste first-ever vote at an age of 103 years, arguably making him the oldest Indian to have participated in the electoral process.
Originally a resident of Maddhya Mashaldanga Chhitmahal, Ali acquired Indian citizenship after India and Bangladesh signed a land boundary agreement. He has been a resident of three different countries before.
Also making their voting debut with Asgar Ali were 9,776 residents of erstwhile enclaves who cast their first ever votes in the ongoing sixth and final phase of the West Bengal elections.
A 1913 born, Ali was accompanied by his son, grandson and other family members to the polling booth. The Election Commission even provided the former enclave dweller a special vehicle to arrive at the voting venue.
These voters were recently provided with their EPIC (Electoral Photo Identity Card) which helped them in grabbing the opportunity of becoming a voter.
Living in a virtual no-man’s land for 68 years because of a complex territorial division, a total of 15,786 people acquired Indian citizenship when territories were swapped between India and Bangladesh.