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World Yoga Day: 7 Yogic postures to learn before 21 June!

  • Image Source : INDIATV

    Bhrahaspati Bharti Baba, an Indian Hindu holy man, demonstrates the yoga pose Baddha Padmasana, or Locked Lotus pose, where the arms are twisted around the back, in Gauhati.

  • Image Source : INDIATV

    An Indian Hindu holy man, illustrates the yoga pose Kakasana, or the crow pose in Gauhati, India.

  • Image Source : INDIATV

    Sita Ram Baba, an Indian Hindu holy man, displays the yoga pose Vriksasana or Tree pose in Gauhati, India.

  • Image Source : INDIATV

    Bhrahaspati Bharti Baba, an Indian Hindu holy man, demonstrates the yoga pose Eka Pada Sirsasana, where his foot is behind his head, in Gauhati, India.

  • Image Source : INDIATV

    Mahant Ranjitanand Giri Maharaj, an Indian Hindu holy man, demonstrates the yoga pose, Padmasana, or the famed Lotus, where the legs are crossed and the feet rest on the thighs, in Gauhati, India

  • Image Source : INDIATV

    An Indian Hindu holy man, illustrates the yoga pose, urdhva padmasana, a sort of half headstand, where the yogi lies on his back and puts his crossed legs in the air, in Gauhati, India.

  • Image Source : INDIATV

    On Sunday, World will observe the first International Yoga day. United nations declare June 21 as World Yoga day after Prime Minister Narendra Modi called for it, in his maiden address to the U.N. General Assembly in New York. Here are the six yogic postures
