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Same-sex relations legal in India now! Celebrations across the nation

  • LGBT community celebrates across the nation as gay sex in India becomes legal.

  • From now on, LGBT Community has same rights as of any ordinary citizen in India.

  • As gay sex is legal in India now, celebration breaks out across the nation.

  • Yes, Section 377 is out! Look at these girls who are so thrilled to hear Supreme Court's historic verdict which marks a new beginning for LGBTQ India.

  • You can now legally marry a person who belongs to the same sex. Look at this happy gay couple for whom love prevails amidst chaos.

  • A proud LGBTQ community member looks all happy with Supreme Court of India allowing citizens to love whoever they want without being imprisoned for it.

  • We congratulate to LGBT Community which finally won its rights after a long fight.

  • For more than 60 years after India gained independence, the Supreme Court today announced that citizens can now love whoever they want without being harassed.

  • "Our heart is beaming with happiness and pride as Supreme Court abolishes Section 377, making gay sex legal in India", said one of the LGBTQ community member.
