International Yoga Day 2018: These pictures of animals doing Yoga are going to make your day!
Image Source : Bored Panda
So, it's International Yoga Day today. The day which compels us to put some really chic pictures of ourselves doing Yoga with utmost finesse. While the social media is flooded with our fellow homo sapiens flaunting their flexibility, let's show you a different side of Yoga that'll make you laugh out loud! So fasten your seatbelt.
Image Source : Bamboo Garden Yoga
No one does Sarvangasana better than this cute little bunny. Isn't it?
Image Source : Pinterest
Can you cat do this?
Image Source : Pinterest
Just a seal practising some simple Yoga asanas.
Image Source : Ranker
Do you wanna partner?
Image Source : Yoga Journal
Such a stunner he is! Isn't he?
Image Source : Animal Space
Stretch it like this big cat!
Image Source : Ground Zero Web
So, who's having a bad day?