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Sonam Kapoor Anand Ahuja Wedding: Cousin Arjun Kapoor spotted at Anil Kapoor's decked-up residence

  • Image Source : Yogen Shah

    Bollywood actress Sonam Kapoor is all set to tie the knot with her long-time beau Anand Ahuja on May 8. The Kapoor and Ahuja families have issued a joint statement announcing the nuptials. 

  • Image Source : Yogen Shah

    On Tuesday night, Sonam Kapoor's cousin and actor Arjun Kapoor was spotted at Anil Kapoor's residence which is all decked-up for the pre-wedding ceremonies. 

  • The actor was dressed in all casuals and even struck a pose for the paparazzi before leaving the house in his car. 

  • Actor Nikhil Dwivedi was also spotted with Arjun Kapoor at Anil Kapoor's mansion.

  • The actor was last seen in Tamanchey and Hate Story as well. 

  • Anil Kapoor's residence in Mumbai is all decorated with lights since last week. 

  • According to the reports, Sonam Kapoor's pre-wedding ceremonies will start from May 5 in Marriot Juhu. 
