Unknown Nuns posing prostitutes to rescue sex slaves
New Delhi: A group of religious sisters are working quite hard to rescue children and woman from becoming the victims of human trafficking by sometimes even posing as prostitutes to get into brothels.Currently the group
New Delhi: A group of religious sisters are working quite hard to rescue children and woman from becoming the victims of human trafficking by sometimes even posing as prostitutes to get into brothels.
Currently the group of sisters is expanding to 140 countries including Philippines, Brazil and India, said its chairman. The group, set up in 2004, claims that approximately one percent of the world's population is trafficked in some form and in those 1 % (73 million people approx) 70 percent are women and half are aged 16 or younger.
John Studzinski, an investment banker and philanthropist, said that "this world has lost innocence...where the dark forces are active''.
'Some cases of victims were horrific', Studzinski said in the Trust Women Conference on women's rights and trafficking hosted by the Thomson Reuters Foundation.
He added that women enslaved as prostitutes are forced to have sex with a group of 10 men at the same time.
Speaking about the efforts of sisters, Studzinski said, "These sisters do not trust anyone including government and the local police. They work in brothels and no one knows that they are there.''