9. Salmonella Attack (Dead: 0;Injured: 750)
The threat of a biological attack has garnered a good deal of attention and concern in recent years.
The threat, and its potential for harm, is clearly evidenced by the salmonella attack in Oregon.
From September 9-19, 1984, several hundred people were deliberately poisoned by salmonella spores.
The attack was allgedly perpetrated by a cult-like group led by Indian mystic Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh.
The group maintained a compound in Wasco County, Oregon. The Rajneeshee were interested in gaining control of one of the open seats on the local circuit court.
As such, a conspiracy was hatched to incapacitate the voters in The Dallas, Oregon, who made up the largest block of voters in the upcoming election.
To this end, salad bars in 10 restaurants were contaminated with Salmonella spores, and two county commissioners had their drinking water contaminated.
This was the first ever bio attack on the US, and remains the largest. Rajneesh was never prosecuted for the attack, but was eventually deported to India on other grounds.
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