Top 10 Dangerous Weapons on earth
New Delhi: Weapons have always been a necessary need for humans, earlier they were designed in order to protect themselves from wild animals or to facilitate food and other necessities.With the increased power of military
The AA-12 is a fully-automatic shotgun. It fires shotgun rounds at a rate of 300 per minute. If being hit by a shotgun isn't a scary enough thought as is, imagine being hit by six shotguns, all within the space of a second.
The AA-12 is able to accept multiple ammo types, ranging from buckshot all the way up to high-explosive grenades. It can fire grenades. 300 of them, in a minute.
The AA-12 is a fully-automatic shotgun. It fires shotgun rounds at a rate of 300 per minute. If being hit by a shotgun isn't a scary enough thought as is, imagine being hit by six shotguns, all within the space of a second.
The AA-12 is able to accept multiple ammo types, ranging from buckshot all the way up to high-explosive grenades. It can fire grenades. 300 of them, in a minute.