Watch in pics: Ten most beautiful abandoned places from around the world
New Delhi: There are some monuments that speak of the past in their own ways. Here we present you images of ten such places which were used and made for the purpose being utilized. Now
102-Year-Old Floating Forest in Sydney, Australia
This is the hull of the SS Ayrfield, a large steam ship condemned to dismantling in Homebush Bay, Australia after WWII.
When the dismantling yard closed down, however, it and several other ships remained where they were.
Now, it is a beautiful and haunting floating forest that serves as an example of nature's capacity for survival.
This is the hull of the SS Ayrfield, a large steam ship condemned to dismantling in Homebush Bay, Australia after WWII.
When the dismantling yard closed down, however, it and several other ships remained where they were.
Now, it is a beautiful and haunting floating forest that serves as an example of nature's capacity for survival.