News World Ten facts to know about World Wide Web, which has completed 25 years

Ten facts to know about World Wide Web, which has completed 25 years

New Delhi: In today's world, the internet  has changed people's lives forever. People living in any corner of the world are able to access information and share things in a way not possible for past

ten facts to know about world wide web which has completed 25 years ten facts to know about world wide web which has completed 25 years
New Delhi: In today's world, the internet  has changed people's lives forever. People living in any corner of the world are able to access information and share things in a way not possible for past generations.

25 years ago, on March 12, 1989 British engineer and computer scientist Sir Tim Berners-Lee, now Director of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), wrote a proposal for what would finally become the World Wide Web.

Here are ten interesting facts to know about www:

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