News World Why effectiveness of Sputnik V, Russia's coronavirus vaccine is still under question?

Why effectiveness of Sputnik V, Russia's coronavirus vaccine is still under question?

Russia has registered what it calls world's first coronavirus vaccine. Sputnik V, as the vaccine is being called, has got the endorsement of Russia's President Vladimir Putin who said that his own daughter has been given the doses of the vaccine.

 russia corona vaccine,russia corona vaccine news,russia corona vaccine price,russia covid 19,russia Image Source : APWhy effectiveness of Sputnik V, Russia's coronavirus vaccine is still under question?

Russia has registered what it calls world's first coronavirus vaccine. Sputnik V, as the vaccine is being called, has got the endorsement of Russia's President Vladimir Putin who said that his own daughter has been given the doses of the vaccine. However, he did not disclose which of his two daughters had been given the vaccine.

Vaccine against coronavirus is the need of the hour. There is no doubt about it. However, Russian breakthrough is being viewed with certain degree of skepticism.

Why is there apprehension about Russia's coronavirus vaccine

  1. Sputnik V, the Russian coronavirus vaccine has not undergone phase 3 trials. The Russian Government has registered the vaccine nonetheless.
  2. There has been criticism that in order to be the first to develop the vaccine, Russia has ommitted certain steps that are essential in vaccine development.
  3. There are also allegations that Russian government put political pressure on scientists to speed up development of the vaccine. This, say the critics may result in disasterous consequences.
  4. Russia, a former world superpower, is keen to project itself as country that still holds might. Critics say that in order to project itself as world's leading scientific power, Russia has rushed through the process of making the vaccine.
  5. Russia has not released any scientific data about testing of the vaccine. This has raised serious questions on the vaccine.
  6. There are also concerns that human testing of the vaccine incomplete.
Watch | Russia has developed its first COVID-19 vaccine, claims Vladimir Putin

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