Paris: Top 5 must-see sites of the amazing 'City of Light'
Situated on the Seine River, in the northern part of France, Paris is considered as one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Paris is the capital and most populous city of France.Paris is
Catacombs of Paris
The Paris catacombs are a 200-mile network of old caves, tunnels and quarries. Much of it is filled with the skulls and bones of the dead.
Located south of the former city gate, it hold the remains of about six million people and fill a renovated section of caverns and tunnels that are the remains of historical stone mines, giving it its reputation as ‘The World's Largest Grave'.
It was opened in the late 18th century. The underground cemetery became a tourist attraction on a small scale from the early 19th century.
It is open to the public on a regular basis from 1874.
In 2009, it was closed for the Public following an incident of vandalism. It was reopened on 19 December of the same year.