Nun with headgear not allowed to write exam
Thiruvananthapuram: A nun who refused to remove her headgear was on Saturday barred from writing the All India Pre-Medical Test (AIPMT) here in line with a Supreme Court ruling."I was told I can't sit for
Thiruvananthapuram: A nun who refused to remove her headgear was on Saturday barred from writing the All India Pre-Medical Test (AIPMT) here in line with a Supreme Court ruling.
"I was told I can't sit for the exam in this dress," Seba told the media.
"I told the officials that I can remove my veil and will put it on after they check my identity.
The refusal came after a Supreme Court directive early this week refusing to restrain the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) from enforcing a dress code for the AIPMT.
The bench headed by Chief Justice H.L. Dattu said CBSE's ban on certain types of dresses was meant to prevent malpractices adopted by some candidates.
Sister Seba came to a school to write the examination in her usual dress.
"But they said that's not possible, and I can write the exam only if I take off my head gear. I then decided to return," Seba said.
She also said the person who told her this was symphatic to her condition. "He told me that he too is a Christian, but was sorry that he had to go by the rules," added the nun.
Bovas Mathew, official spokesperson of the Syro Malankara Church to which Seba belongs, described the incident as "really unfortunate".
"It's really unfortunate that the central government is not doing anything to resolve this issue," Mathew told IANS.