Murdoch's wife Wendi Deng loved Tony Blair's leg, butt and blue eyes
New Delhi: Wendi Deng, the former wife of Rupert Murdoch, allegedly developed a passionate obsession with Tony Blair and wrote a note in which she rhapsodized about his “good body,good legs and Butt” revealed by

New Delhi: Wendi Deng, the former wife of Rupert Murdoch, allegedly developed a passionate obsession with Tony Blair and wrote a note in which she rhapsodized about his “good body,good legs and Butt” revealed by Vanity Fair.
A report published in Vanity Fair says, Wendi Deng is said to have become infatuated with the former Prime Minister while she was still married to Rupert Murdoch.
A report published in Vanity Fair says, Wendi Deng is said to have become infatuated with the former Prime Minister while she was still married to Rupert Murdoch.