Mexico: Cyclists perform nude bike ride to protest car-centric culture, demand cyclist rights
A multitude of bare cyclists pedaled through Mexico City's streets, rallying against the dominance of cars and advocating for cyclist rights. Some protesters rode completely unclothed or in minimal attire as they navigated the congested urban thoroughfares.

Mexico City: Hundreds of naked cyclists rode through the streets of Mexico City on Saturday to protest against car culture and demand rights for cyclists. The demonstrators, some completely naked or in underwear, made their way through the traffic-clogged city to take part in the World Naked Bike Ride to promote the use of bicycles over cars and demand respect for cyclists.
Part of the movement's idea is to make cyclists more visible and to raise drivers' awareness of cyclists' safety.
In recent years, Mexico City, one of the world's largest and most polluted cities, has launched an ambitious bike-sharing scheme for citizens and built bike lanes to combat the city's notorious car culture.
While bike use is increasing, accidents involving bikers and cars are frequent and sometimes fatal, and bikers say they need better and safer infrastructure, including more bike lanes.