News World UNBELIEVABLE! Man buried alive in Moldova for four days saved after cops heard his muffled cries

UNBELIEVABLE! Man buried alive in Moldova for four days saved after cops heard his muffled cries

This incident came to light as Moldova police were investigating the death of an elderly woman in the northwestern Ustia village. Police arrested an 18-year-old intoxicated man, and the man was located in a makeshift basement at the suspect's house, with a neck wound.

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Chisinau: In a shocking case, a 62-year-old narrowly escaped death after being buried alive, as he was only saved after police officers heard his muffled cries of help coming from the underground. The harrowing incident came to light after cops were investigating the death of a 74-year-old woman found in her own home by a relative earlier this week, according to a report by Need to Know.

As per the report, forensic specialists had to be called to the scene of the woman's death after she was found dead from multiple wounds. On the same day, an 18-year-old man was arrested at his home in a state of drunkenness in the same Ustia village in northwest Moldova. While police were searching his home for evidence, officers heard cries for help from nearby.

While looking for the source of the noise, police officers realised that the cries for help were coming from underground. They started digging and found the entrance of a makeshift basement, from where the elderly man was pulled out. He was found conscious and had a neck wound, allegedly caused by the teenager.

The man told the police that he was having a drink with the 18-year-old man on Saturday (May 11) when they started arguing over something. In a fit of rage, the teenager allegedly wounded him, locked him in a basement and covered the entrance with soil, effectively burying him alive. He was trapped there for four days until he was rescued by police officers on Wednesday.

Officers believe the young man allegedly murdered the elderly woman on Sunday or in the early hours of Monday. He has been remanded into custody as the police and prosecutors continued to investigate him for murder and attempt to murder charges. If found guilty, the teenagers faced life in prison.

Meanwhile, the rescued elderly man was last reported as receiving treatment in hospital after the harrowing incident. The suspect is understood to have given very confusing and inconsistent statements during his interrogation in connection with the death of the elderly woman found on Monday. "She was a very decent woman, no one ever had any problems with her," a local said about the deceased victim.

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