MH370: New signal detected in hunt for plane
Perth: An Australian aircraft searching for the crashed Malaysian plane today detected a new possible underwater signal in the remote Indian Ocean consistent with a plane's black box, fuelling hopes of a breakthrough in the
Today, Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) narrowed down drastically the search area to about 57,923 sq km from yesterday's 75,000 sq km, the smallest yet in the month-long hunt. The centre of the search area lies approximately 2,280 km north west of Perth.
Up to 10 military aircraft, four civil aircraft and 13 ships were assist in today's search for the plane that authorities believe crashed in the Indian Ocean.
The new signal came a day after Houston expressed the searchers are approaching the "final resting place" of the ill-fated MH370.
"I'm now optimistic. We'll find the aircraft or what's left of the aircraft in the not too distant future. Hopefully in a matter of days, we will be able to find something on the bottom that might confirm that this is the last resting place of MH370," he said yesterday.
Aircraft and ships reported spotting a large number of objects during yesterday's search, but only a small number were able to be recovered.
None of the recovered items were believed to be associated with the Boeing 777-200.
Houston had said there will be no confirmation of a link to the plane until wreckage is found.
Up to 10 military aircraft, four civil aircraft and 13 ships were assist in today's search for the plane that authorities believe crashed in the Indian Ocean.
The new signal came a day after Houston expressed the searchers are approaching the "final resting place" of the ill-fated MH370.
"I'm now optimistic. We'll find the aircraft or what's left of the aircraft in the not too distant future. Hopefully in a matter of days, we will be able to find something on the bottom that might confirm that this is the last resting place of MH370," he said yesterday.
Aircraft and ships reported spotting a large number of objects during yesterday's search, but only a small number were able to be recovered.
None of the recovered items were believed to be associated with the Boeing 777-200.
Houston had said there will be no confirmation of a link to the plane until wreckage is found.