Know the Exoplanets where aliens can exist
New Delhi: An exoplanet is a planet outside the Solar System. For centuries philosophers and scientists supposed that extrasolar planets existed, but there was no way of detecting them. The first confirmed detection of exoplanet
7. Gliese 163c
The mass of Gliese 163c puts the planet in a gray zone. The planet is seven times the mass of Earth, which could make it a very large rocky planet or a dwarf gas giant. Gliese 163c whirls around its dim planet star every 26 days, at a distance of 50 light-years away from Earth. Its parent star is in the constellation Dorado.
The mass of Gliese 163c puts the planet in a gray zone. The planet is seven times the mass of Earth, which could make it a very large rocky planet or a dwarf gas giant. Gliese 163c whirls around its dim planet star every 26 days, at a distance of 50 light-years away from Earth. Its parent star is in the constellation Dorado.