Know the Exoplanets where aliens can exist
New Delhi: An exoplanet is a planet outside the Solar System. For centuries philosophers and scientists supposed that extrasolar planets existed, but there was no way of detecting them. The first confirmed detection of exoplanet
6. Gliese 581d
At least one study supposes that Gliese 581d might have a thick, carbon dioxide atmosphere. It is about seven times more massive than Earth, orbits a red dwarf star, and is a sister planet to the also-potentially-habitable Gliese 581g. At just 20 light-years away from the sun, Gliese 581d is essentially in Earth's backyard.
At least one study supposes that Gliese 581d might have a thick, carbon dioxide atmosphere. It is about seven times more massive than Earth, orbits a red dwarf star, and is a sister planet to the also-potentially-habitable Gliese 581g. At just 20 light-years away from the sun, Gliese 581d is essentially in Earth's backyard.