'This is not how you talk about friends': Biden slams Trump for remark on India's air pollution
Former Vice President and Democratic Party's presidential nominee Joe Biden on Sunday slammed US President Donald Trump for his recent remarks on India's air pollution.
Former Vice President and Democratic Party's presidential nominee Joe Biden on Sunday slammed US President Donald Trump for his recent remarks on India's air pollution. "President Trump called India filthy. It's not how you talk about friends and it's not how you solve global challenges like climate change," Biden said in a tweet, days after Trump during the final presidential debate accused China, India and Russia of not taking care of their "filthy" air.
"Kamala Harris and I deeply value our partnership and will put respect back at the centre of our foreign policy," Biden further said.
During the final presidential debate with Biden in Nashville, Tennessee, Trump had on Thursday night said: "Look at China, how filthy it is. Look at Russia. Look at India. It's filthy. The air is filthy."
Trump has repeatedly blamed countries like India and China for not doing enough on climate change, labelling them as regions with air that is impossible to breathe. In 2017, Trump had pulled the US out of the 2015 Paris climate agreement, saying the international deal to keep global temperatures rises below 2 degree Celsius was disadvantageous to US workers.
In his op-ed in the latest issue of ethnic India West weekly, Trump said that the "Obama-Biden years were some of the best we've ever had between our two countries". A Biden-Harris administration will build on that great progress and do even more. We can and should be natural allies, he wrote in the op-ed.
“That’s why if elected President, I will continue what I have long called for: The US and India will stand together against terrorism in all its forms and work together to promote a region of peace and stability where neither China nor any other country threatens its neighbours,” he said.
“We’ll open markets and grow the middle class in both the United States and India, and confront other international challenges together, like climate change, global health, transnational terrorism and nuclear proliferation,” said Biden.