Horrific pics: ISIS amputates man's hand for theft, whips 3 for drinking, publicly crucifies a spy
New Delhi: In pictures that could send shivers down the spines of people in civilized nations, the Islamic State (ISIS), occupying a large swathe of territory in Syria and Iraq, has publicly amputated the hand
New Delhi: In pictures that could send shivers down the spines of people in civilized nations, the Islamic State (ISIS), occupying a large swathe of territory in Syria and Iraq, has publicly amputated the hand of a thief, whipped three persons for drinking alcohol, and crucified a spy who was allegedly planting microchips outside government buildings.
The amputation took place after Friday prayers in the city of Al-Bab in Aleppo province of Syria, presently occupied by ISIS militants.
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Earlier, a kangaroo court of the Islamic State sentenced these people under Islamic Sharia law.
A large crowd of men and young boys watched as the punishment was meted out. Some even stood on top of cars to watch the punishments.
The alleged thief, blindfolded with a scarf, was led to the centre of the street, with his hands tied behind, and an ISIS militant holding him by his neck.
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The ISIS had arranged white surgical gloves, antiseptic liquid, large gauze plasters and plastic tape on a table, to tend to the arm of the thief after amputation.
The photos of amputation, whipping and crucifixion were released by the Islamic State soon after.
The man, held on charge of espionage, allegedly admitted that he had been dropping small microchip tracking devices near strategic buildings in Aleppo, to keep track of ISIS movement.
ISIS militants publicly whipped three men for drinking alcohol in the Kirkuk province of Iraq last week.
Public whippings and stoning have been common in territories held by ISIS, but this was the first time an amputation was carried out in public.