Inside the White House - Part 3
Oval Office: The Office of the President The Oval Office is the president's formal workspace, where he confers with heads of state, diplomats, his staff, and other dignitaries; where he often addresses the American public
Lincoln Bedroom
The Lincoln Bedroom is a bedroom on the second floor of the White House, part of a suite of rooms that includes the Lincoln Sitting Room and Lincoln Bath.
Named for Abraham Lincoln and used by him as an office, this room is known for alleged ghost sightings. The room is best known as a guest room used by presidents to reward friends and political supporters.
The Lincoln Bedroom is a bedroom on the second floor of the White House, part of a suite of rooms that includes the Lincoln Sitting Room and Lincoln Bath.
Named for Abraham Lincoln and used by him as an office, this room is known for alleged ghost sightings. The room is best known as a guest room used by presidents to reward friends and political supporters.