How prostitutes in Brazil are preparing for the FIFA World Cup
Brazil: Brazil's one million licensed prostitutes are reportedly preparing to cash in at the upcoming FIFA World Cup, where more than 3.7 million soccer fans are expected to pour in.Although prostitution is legal in the
The prostitutes of Belo Horizonte will also be accepting payment on credit card during the tournament, while the report mentioned that a massage parlour near a city airport is reportedly offering a limousine service and hiring English speakers.
The prostitutes of Belo Horizonte will also be accepting payment on credit card during the big sporting event.
Local media have also provided lurid accounts of other preparations underway across Brazil.
In Fortaleza, a local prosecutor said: “Foreign clients order underage prostitutes who are delivered directly by the hotels' pimps.
A massage parlour beside Congonhos airport is reportedly offering a limousine service and hiring English speakers.
The prostitutes of Belo Horizonte will also be accepting payment on credit card during the big sporting event.
Local media have also provided lurid accounts of other preparations underway across Brazil.
In Fortaleza, a local prosecutor said: “Foreign clients order underage prostitutes who are delivered directly by the hotels' pimps.
A massage parlour beside Congonhos airport is reportedly offering a limousine service and hiring English speakers.