Graphics show 8 out of 9 most surveilled cities in the world are Chinese
A graphical representation of the most surveilled cities in the world shows that 8 out of the top 9 most surveilled cities are Chinese. The graphic chart was issued by the German stats company Statista. The chart ranks the cities on the world on the bases of most CCTV cameras per 1,000 inhabitants.
A graphical representation of the most surveilled cities in the world shows that 8 out of the top 9 most surveilled cities are Chinese. The graphic chart was issued by the German stats company Statista. The chart ranks the cities on the world on the bases of most CCTV cameras per 1,000 inhabitants.
Top of the chart sit 5 Chinese cities -- Chongqing, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Tianjin, and Ji'nan. Chogqing, which is ranked number 1 has 168 surveillance cameras per 1,000 inhabitants while Shenzhen sits second with 159.1. Financial hub Shanghai comes in at third with 113.5 cameras.
The highest-ranked non-Chinese city is United Kingdom capital London which has 68.4 cameras per 1,000 inhabitants.
Wuhan, which was host to the first India-China informal summit comes in at 6th followed by Guangzhou and Chinese capital Beijing. At number 10, 11 and 12 are US' Atlanta, Singapore, and Abu Dhabi.
This chart further reiterates the tight grip the Chinese regime likes on its people.
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