Coronavirus: For the first time in history, major disaster declared in all 50 US states by Trump
In an unprecedented event, US President Donald Trump has now approved the declaration of a major disaster in all 50 US states. This comes on the back of astronomical rise in COVID-19 numbers in the country. USA has over 532,000 coronavirus cases along with over 20,000 deaths. With these numbers USA leads the chart in both cases as well as deaths worldwide.
In an unprecedented event, US President Donald Trump has now approved the declaration of a major disaster in all 50 US states. This comes on the back of astronomical rise in COVID-19 numbers in the country. USA has over 532,000 coronavirus cases along with over 20,000 deaths. With these numbers USA leads the chart in both cases as well as deaths worldwide.
Trump on Saturday granted state leaders' request for Wyoming to be declared a major disaster area because of the effects of the coronavirus. The declaration means state, local and tribal governments in Wyoming will be eligible for federal aid to help recovery efforts.
As of Friday, Wyoming had recorded over 300 confirmed and probable cases of the coronavirus in 19 of its 23 counties; 105 of those people had recovered.
Pete Gaynor, the administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, named Lee K. dePalo as the federal coordinating officer for the state.
Most people with the virus experience mild or moderate fever and coughing for two to three weeks. Some, especially older adults and people with existing health problems, can face severe illness, including pneumonia, and death.
(With Associated Press Inputs)