News World Canadian Woman Falls From Seventh Storey, Survives

Canadian Woman Falls From Seventh Storey, Survives

A   A young mother has miraculously cheated death after plunging seven storeys from a balcony in a freak accident.Crissy Muise lost her balance and fell over 60ft from the balcony of her apartment in Nova

canadian woman falls from seventh storey survives canadian woman falls from seventh storey survives
A   A young mother has miraculously cheated death after plunging seven storeys from a balcony in a freak accident.Crissy Muise lost her balance and fell over 60ft from the balcony of her apartment in Nova Scotia, Canada, reports The Mail, London.

The 27-year-old broke her back, collarbone, several ribs, both her wrists and arms, knocked out her front teeth and split her head open.Crissy Muise lost her balance and fell over 60ft from the balcony of her apartment in Nova Scotia, Canada.

It is not known how she came to fall, but her boyfriend, Chris Allen, said he ducked inside from the balcony to get a drink and turned to see his terrified girlfriend clinging on to the railing.

The 35-year-old rushed to help his girlfriend but before he could reach her, she lost her grip and plunged to the ground, hitting the side of the building, before landing face down on the concrete below.But less than two weeks after the fall Miss Muise was back home and is remarkably set to make a full recovery.

The 27-year-old, who has an eight-year-old daughter, is set to make a full recovery, in spite of breaking her back, collarbone, several ribs, both her wrists and arms Miss Muise fell from the seventh storey of her apartment in Canada, after she had been drinking with friends and her boyfriend Recalling the frightening evening, Mr Allen said his first reaction was to think that his girlfriend was dead, as it was impossible for anyone to survive such a fall.

He said: 'It all happened in a split second, I heard a friend gasp and I turned to see Crissy hanging on to the balcony.'She was holding on with one hand but before I could reach her she fell.'My first reaction was, "Oh my God, she's dead".'I ran downstairs and I didn't know what to think, she was just lying there on her back.

'I ran over to check if she was breathing and I heard her gurgling.'I thought she was going to take her last breaths there and then.'Fearing the worst, medics rushed Miss Muise to hospital - but despite her horrific injuries two weeks later she is back on her feet.She said: 'I'd been out with a few friends and we came back to mine for a couple of drinks, we had had a really nice night.

'All I can remember is being on the balcony and then waking up in hospital.'I was in shock and panicking and couldn't figure out how I got there, I tried my hardest to ask people what had happened but I was so bruised I could barely speak.'I can't remember how I fell, all I can think is I tripped or lost my balance and tumbled over the side.'Miss Muise continued: 'I landed face-first - it's a miracle I survived.

'I have seven broken ribs, a broken bone in my back, broken wrists, forearms and collarbone and have 24 staples in my head, but doctors say I'll make a full recovery. It is going to take a while before I'm well, but I'm just so happy to be alive.''It's just unbelievable, I could fall from so high and survive.'

Despite plunging from her own balcony, Miss Muise says she has no intention of moving from her, which she shares with her boyfriend and eight-year-old daughter, Savannah.She added: 'I haven't been out on the balcony again yet, but I'm sure I will. It was a freak accident, surely I can't be unlucky enough to fall again.'

Mr Allen said he was stunned when the love of his life opened her eyes for the first time in hospital.'It wasn't until we were in the hospital around an hour and a half after the fall, that I knew she was going to be okay,' he said.'That hour and a half was the longest of my life, it was like it wasn't real, almost like an out-of-body experience, a dream.

'When I think back to it now, I shake my head in disbelief, I look at Crissy now and I can't believe she fell seven storeys.'People die from falling just two storeys, it's jaw-dropping to think she survived such a fall.'

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