Bizarre eating habits of famous world leaders
New Delhi: People in power are always the talk of the town for common man. Their lifestyle, public appearances, clothing, even a simple gesture they make in public makes a difference and reflect their personality.
2. Evo Morales' dumb statement on eating chicken
In 2010, Bolivian President Evo Morales made headlines when he said that eating chicken makes one gay. He made this statement at the World People's Summit on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth in Cochabamba in 2010.
He said that the chicken is full of female hormones and so when men eat it, they stray from being men. The LGBT(lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) community called the comment ‘homophobic'.
He loves Quinoa soup- a primitive food of the Incas. It is a sacred grain for the Bolivians. Evo considers western food ‘as a threat to humanity' blaming it for causing cancer and other diseases.