15 most brutal methods of execution of all time
New Delhi: Here is a list of the 15 most brutal methods of execution in the recorded history of mankind: Whether it's being set on fire inside of a tyre or having your limbs slowly
9. Execution by Elephant
In South and Southeast Asia, particularly during the Delhi Sultanate and Mughal periods, the elephant has been a method of capital punishment for thousands of years.
The animals were trained to execute two ways.
Slowly, in a prolonged manner, dismembering and torturing or by Crushing, which killed the victim nearly instantly.
Usually employed by royalty, these elephant assassins only heightened the fear of royalty to the common people, proving that they even had the ability to control wild animals.
The concept was eventually adopted and finessed by the Roman military to deal with deserting soldiers.
In South and Southeast Asia, particularly during the Delhi Sultanate and Mughal periods, the elephant has been a method of capital punishment for thousands of years.
The animals were trained to execute two ways.
Slowly, in a prolonged manner, dismembering and torturing or by Crushing, which killed the victim nearly instantly.
Usually employed by royalty, these elephant assassins only heightened the fear of royalty to the common people, proving that they even had the ability to control wild animals.
The concept was eventually adopted and finessed by the Roman military to deal with deserting soldiers.