10 bizarre deaths caused by social media
New Delhi: Social media has connected people all over the world and also made communication easier. While there are many advantages to the medium, there are disadvantages too. There are many incidents reported which have
8. Facebook Death List kills off Colombian teens
A facebook death list of 69 people were released which was initially found as a joke. But, as 3 Colombian teens were reported dead which had their names on the list, the authorities started investigation. A criminal gang operated in the area.
9. Man tweets about killing his best friend
Childhood friends Jameg Blake, 22, and Kwame Dancy, 22, had been exchanging heated 140-character insults on Twitter for days over a woman both men liked.
Hours before their quarrel, Kwame tweeted Jameg with, "N****a is lookin for you don't think I won't give up ya address for a price betta chill asap!"
Then, Furious Jameg killed Kwame with a shotgun.
10. Teen kills girlfriend over MySpace comment
It was New Year's Eve, and while most teens were busy making out or being forced to dance with their parents, seasoned 16-year-old criminal Matthew Dubois— with a youthful record already spotted with theft, burglary, assault, and witness intimidation—was arguing with his 15-year-old girlfriend, Mikarah "Tinky" Sanders, over a comment another boy had posted to her MySpace page.
By midnight, he'd taken a .547 handgun and shot her in the face.
A facebook death list of 69 people were released which was initially found as a joke. But, as 3 Colombian teens were reported dead which had their names on the list, the authorities started investigation. A criminal gang operated in the area.
9. Man tweets about killing his best friend
Childhood friends Jameg Blake, 22, and Kwame Dancy, 22, had been exchanging heated 140-character insults on Twitter for days over a woman both men liked.
Hours before their quarrel, Kwame tweeted Jameg with, "N****a is lookin for you don't think I won't give up ya address for a price betta chill asap!"
Then, Furious Jameg killed Kwame with a shotgun.
10. Teen kills girlfriend over MySpace comment
It was New Year's Eve, and while most teens were busy making out or being forced to dance with their parents, seasoned 16-year-old criminal Matthew Dubois— with a youthful record already spotted with theft, burglary, assault, and witness intimidation—was arguing with his 15-year-old girlfriend, Mikarah "Tinky" Sanders, over a comment another boy had posted to her MySpace page.
By midnight, he'd taken a .547 handgun and shot her in the face.