News India Wanna look slim: Follow these diet habits to lose belly fat

Wanna look slim: Follow these diet habits to lose belly fat

New Delhi, Oct 26,2012: Belly fat which looks very odd and ruins your beauty is also an indication and invitation to so many health problems. Diabetes, heartburn, heart diseases, renal diseases, high blood pressure, cancer,

1.Throw Out The Junk Food

Reduce Sugar and Saturated Fat. To lose stomach fat you have to throw out the junk food! You are what you eat, so don't eat junk. Do not keep junk food like cookies, chips, sweets and other similar products in your house.

Junk food and addiction to sugar is considered to be the greatest cause of belly fat today.

There are some foods that burn belly fat which will help you, but you still have to control calories.

If you do not have these bad foods lying around, you will not think about them and after sometime, you will break the bad eating habits.

Most weight loss plans provide great nutrition advice and motivational tips to help you keep your healthy diet on track and this is essential for losing belly fat.

Junk food affects your fitness because of its high sugar content.

Most junk food consists of refined carbs and sugar, which when eaten quickly raise blood sugar levels, leading to reduction in fat burning and increase in appetite.

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