Village head shot dead by gunmen in Kashmir's Pulwama
Srinagar: Unidentified gunmen shot dead a village head in Pulwama district of south Kashmir's last evening, police said."At about 21:45 hrs, some unknown gunmen fired upon Mohd Yousuf Bhat outside his house at Wagan in
Srinagar: Unidentified gunmen shot dead a village head in Pulwama district of south Kashmir's last evening, police said.
"At about 21:45 hrs, some unknown gunmen fired upon Mohd Yousuf Bhat outside his house at Wagan in Pulwama. Bhat was injured in the incident," a police official said.
He said Bhat was rushed to a hospital where doctors declared him dead on arrival.
Bhat was on his way to a local mosque for prayers when attacked by gunmen.
Meanwhile the army, the Special Operation Group of Police and the CRPF have cordoned off the area and launched a hunt to nab the suspected militants.
A farmer by profession, Bhat was 'Lamberdar' of his village.
(With inputs from PTI)