Unexplained mystery of the Cursed Diamond or the Hope diamond
New Delhi: The Hope diamond or the Cursed Diamond has intrigued people for centuries. It is believed to have come from the Kollur mine in Golconda, India, and is famous for supposedly being cursed. The
A report in 2006 in The New York Times, however, suggested that "any hard evidence linking it to tragedy has yet to be officially proven."
A New Zealand newspaper article in 1888 described the supposedly lurid history of the Hope Diamond, including a claim that it was "said once to have formed the single eye of a great idol", as part of a confused description that also claimed that its namesake owner had personally "brought it from India", and that the diamond's true color was "white, when held to the light, it emits the most superb and dazzling blue rays."
An article entitled "Hope Diamond Has Brought Trouble To All Who Have Owned It" appeared in the Washington Post in 1908.