Unexplained mystery of the Cursed Diamond or the Hope diamond
New Delhi: The Hope diamond or the Cursed Diamond has intrigued people for centuries. It is believed to have come from the Kollur mine in Golconda, India, and is famous for supposedly being cursed. The
The Hope diamond phosphoresces a strong red color, which will last for several seconds after exposure to short wave ultra-violet light.
It is unclear who had initially owned the gemstone, whether it had been found, by whom, and in what condition.
But the first historical records suggest that a French merchant-traveler named Jean-Baptiste Tavernier obtained the stone, possibly by purchase or by theft, and he brought a large uncut stone to Paris which was the first known precursor to the Hope Diamond.
This large stone became known as the Tavernier Blue diamond. It was a crudely cut triangular shaped stone of 115 carats (23 g).