Two naxals arrested in Chhattisgarh
Raipur, June 19: Two naxals were today arrested by security personnel from Chhattisgarh's Maoist-hit Bijapur district.“The cadres were nabbed by a patrol party of district force and Chhattisgarh Armed Force (CAF) from the forest under
Raipur, June 19: Two naxals were today arrested by security personnel from Chhattisgarh's Maoist-hit Bijapur district.
“The cadres were nabbed by a patrol party of district force and Chhattisgarh Armed Force (CAF) from the forest under Madded police station limits,” a senior police official told PTI..
The two have been identified as Michha Rajesh (25) and Michha Suresh (22), the official said.
Rajesh was carrying a cash reward of Rs 5,000.
“They were involved in several serious crimes like murder, arson, abduction, etc,” the official said. The patrol party nabbed the duo during a combing operation from the forest area between Timirguda and Nayapara villages in the region.
A muzzle-loading gun was seized from the possession of Suresh, the official said.
“The cadres were nabbed by a patrol party of district force and Chhattisgarh Armed Force (CAF) from the forest under Madded police station limits,” a senior police official told PTI..
The two have been identified as Michha Rajesh (25) and Michha Suresh (22), the official said.
Rajesh was carrying a cash reward of Rs 5,000.
“They were involved in several serious crimes like murder, arson, abduction, etc,” the official said. The patrol party nabbed the duo during a combing operation from the forest area between Timirguda and Nayapara villages in the region.
A muzzle-loading gun was seized from the possession of Suresh, the official said.