News India Tomar died due to cardiac arrest caused by injuries, says post mortem report

Tomar died due to cardiac arrest caused by injuries, says post mortem report

New Delhi, Dec 26:    Constable Subhash Tomar died due to cardiac arrest caused by injuries he suffered on his chest and neck “produced by blunt impact”, post mortem report said today giving Delhi Police relief

tomar died due to cardiac arrest caused by injuries says post mortem report tomar died due to cardiac arrest caused by injuries says post mortem report
New Delhi, Dec 26:    Constable Subhash Tomar died due to cardiac arrest caused by injuries he suffered on his chest and neck “produced by blunt impact”, post mortem report said today giving Delhi Police relief amid doubts about the cause of his death.

The post mortem report contradicts assertions by Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital Medical Superintendent Dr T S Sidhu that Tomar had “no major external injury” except for some cuts and bruises or “(no) severe internal injuries”.

The report said 47-year-old Tomar's third, fourth and fifth ribs on left side had fractures and there was “mid-calibaculur bleeding” at several places.

The cause of death reported by a Medical Board constituted by the hospital for the post mortem said, “myocardial infarction and its implication that could be precipitated by multiple ante-mortem (before death) injuries to neck and chest produced by blunt force impact.”

Sources said effusion of blood was present in tissues and neck muscles and ante-mortem injuries were caused when the body suffered heavy blows from a blunt object.

Elaborating on the report, Additional Commissioner of Police (New Delhi) K C Dwivedi said it noted that there were injuries on his chest, neck, legs because of which he had a cardiac arrest and he died.

“He had a lot of injuries. His ribs had fractures. These multiple injuries aggravated his condition and led to cardiac arrest,” Dwivedi said.

A controversy has erupted after two eye-witnesses, including a girl, claimed that Tomar, who died yesterday, was not attacked and he collapsed in front of them while chasing protesters at India Gate on Sunday.

Asked whether after the post mortem report, police would initiate action against doctors at RML, Dwivedi said he has no comments to offer as investigations were with Crime Branch. “I can't comment on doctors or eyewitnesses comments,” he said.

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