News India 20 things to do when you're 30

20 things to do when you're 30

“Hello, my name is Abhishek and I'm 30 years old.” This may sound somewhat strange to type out but this is the fact of the life that you are aging. Realising that you have completed

Become a visionary

Part of creating a more successful life is to become a visionary. A visionary is the person who takes intentional and positive action to make their vision become a reality. The visionary makes very calculated and planned decisions which helps them succeed in fulfilling their personal vision. The visionary is not at all a victim of circumstance, but rather a creator of circumstances and productivity that will move them closer to their ultimate goal.

Do one thing that scares you every day

Each day is a good opportunity to perform one small act of bravery; singing out loud, asking for help, admitting a mistake, pitching an idea, failing spectacularly and trying again.

Learn to unplug

Break out of the pattern of working long hours, being glues to TV and watching YouTube videos during every minute of free time. These can be good in doses, but don't make it a habit. Spending your whole life plugged into a device may lead to missing out on some pretty great experiences.

Learn a new language

It could be a very rewarding experience. A second language can immensely help when travelling. Vacations to foreign countries would be more enjoyable, and it would open people's minds to the different cultures of the world.

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