Amid Delhi violence, SN Shrivastava appointed Special Commissioner
SN Shrivastava has been appointed as Special Commissioner (Law and Order) in Delhi Police amid violence in the north-east region of Delhi. His appointment comes with immediate effect.
SN Shrivastava has been appointed as Special Commissioner (Law and Order) in Delhi Police amid violence in the north-east region of Delhi. His appointment comes with immediate effect. The violence against the new citizenship law has claimed at least 11 lives so far with injuries to many.
"SN Srivastava, Directorate General, CRPF, New Delhi stand relieved from Training Directorate, CRPF, New Delhi on premature repatriation to his parent cadre (AGMU) w.e.f 25/2/2020," the official notification read.
Srivastava tenure with the CRPF was to continue till June 30, 2021.