News India RSS Leader Slams 'Propaganda' Linking Him To Blast Suspects

RSS Leader Slams 'Propaganda' Linking Him To Blast Suspects

Senior RSS leader Indresh Kumar, whose name has come up in some media reports over alleged links with Mecca Masjid blasts suspects, on Saturday in New Delhi  said this "false propaganda" against him and his

rss leader slams propaganda linking him to blast suspects rss leader slams propaganda linking him to blast suspects

Senior RSS leader Indresh Kumar, whose name has come up in some media reports over alleged links with Mecca Masjid blasts suspects, on Saturday in New Delhi  said this "false propaganda" against him and his organisation was part of a "deep political conspiracy" to malign nationalists.

"I have had no faith in any violent activity. I condemn this false propaganda. This is a deep political conspiracy based on untruth through which nationalists and patriots are being maligned," Kumar said in a statement.

He alleged that reports in some newspapers and news channels to link his name and that of the RSS to some violent (terror) events is an attempt to create confusion.

"It is sad that these reports were sensationalised," he alleged.

Kumar insisted that RSS had been engaged in public education and public service for the past 85 years and he himself has been active in this field for four decades.

"I am deeply hurt by the dragging of my name and that of the Sangh in this false propaganda," Kumar said.

 He argued that service to the nation was the basic aim of the Sangh.

 "As a swayamsewak I have always given importance to transparency in my life," Kumar said.

Meanwhile, on the attack on a news channel office yesterday by people who claimed to be Sangh workers, RSS said, "It was a peaceful demonstration. We are sorry that flower pots and some small property were damaged.

 "We would have been happier had these damages not taken place," RSS leader Ram Madhav said, adding, though there were 2,000 people there, no one was injured.

He said though several newspapers had reported on the alleged involvement of Sangh leaders in terror activities, this news channel had "violated norms of decent journalism". PTI

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