Rogue Elephant Kills Man During Mysore Rampage
Mysore, Jun 9 : A wild elephant gored a man to death, lunged at vehicles in traffic and injured several people during a five-hour rampage through Mysore after farmers chased it from a field outside

Mysore, Jun 9 : A wild elephant gored a man to death, lunged at vehicles in traffic and injured several people during a five-hour rampage through Mysore after farmers chased it from a field outside the city.
Residents scattered and shouted on Wednesday as the young male barreled through city streets and then darted into an alley where it turned suddenly on the victim and gored him at the stoop of a home as residents looked on in horror.
Later, the elephant charged toward people who took cover atop a staircase, and lunged at an SUV on a main street.
Several people were injured during the five hours it took to tranquilize the animal, officials said.
Earlier, four elephants had entered some fields on the outskirts of the city after getting separated from their herd. Farmers chased the animals, sending two of them back into nearby forests. One of them was later trapped at the farm, while the remaining one entered the city. AP