Obtain gun license for Rs 10, know how
New Delhi: In modern times when there is rise on the crime and criminal activities, it is utmost necessary and important to keep oneself safe. In India, a citizen is entitled to get a license
New Delhi: In modern times when there is rise on the crime and criminal activities, it is utmost necessary and important to keep oneself safe. In India, a citizen is entitled to get a license to keep gun for a mere amount of Rs 10. In India a citizen can keep three types of guns including Shot gun, Hand gun, and sporting gun.
Law says a person can apply for a license for only three guns.While applying for license an applicant should clearly mention the purpose to obtain license for the gun.
In Delhi, if one has to apply for the license, it is mandatory to describe why the authority should allow an individual to keep the weapon. He also need to submit the relevant documents. The license is issued by Deputy Commissioner of Police. The office is in the Defence Colony Police station near Moolchand flyover.
The amount for getting license in hand gun (pistol/Revolver) and repeating rifle is just Rs100, whereas to obtain a license for a muzzle loading gun is just Rs 10. The yearly renewable charge for maintaining this license valid is just Rs 5.
Like wise people living in other parts of India can also apply for license in their respective DCP (Licensing) office in the locality. Citizens who live in the interior areas or in small town can apply to Sub divisional Magistrate (SDM) for getting required permission to keep gun.
Once the applicant applies, an enquiry will be conducted to find whether the applicant is involved in any kind of unlawful activities. It is only after this the licensing official may grant the applicant the necessary permission to keep gun for his personal safety.