The National Investigation Agency (NIA) this morning launched searches at 19 locations across Jammu and Kashmir, Assam, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh and Gujarat. The operation is part of an ongoing investigation into a case of extremist links of individuals with banned terrorist organisation Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM).
Focus on combating extremes
The raids are aimed at disrupting the spread of terrorist propaganda and countering extremist recruitment activities. According to sources, the NIA is investigating how the suspects radicalised the youth and inducted them into the JeM-inspired Jamaat outfit.
Background: Arrest of key accused in October
The recent operation follows significant developments in October when the NIA arrested Sheikh Sultan Salahuddin Ayubi, also known as Ayubi, after searching 26 locations in Assam, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi and Jammu and Kashmir. Ayub was arrested for his role in conspiracy case RC-13/2024/NIA/DLI.
During those searches, the NIA seized criminal documents, electronic devices and criminal materials related to JeM activities. Several other suspects were also rounded up for questioning.
Leads prompt fresh raids
The current raids were based on information obtained during the interrogation of Ayubi and an examination of the seized items. The suspects targeted today were involved in radicalising individuals, spreading extremist ideology and inciting youth to carry out violent terrorist attacks across India, the NIA said.
Seizures and interrogations
Authorities have not released evidence or details of the arrests stemming from the recent operation. Sources suggested, however, that electronic evidence and propaganda materials could once again form a critical part of the findings.
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