When residents of Jayapur, the adopted village of Narendra Modi, chased away Aurangzeb's army
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on his maiden trip to his parliamentary constituency Varanasi, after becoming the Prime Minister, adopted Jayapur Village under the M PAdarsh Gram Yojna.Like most villages in India, this village is also
24.8% households have toilets and 73. 90% practice open defecation. 23.80% household cook with firework and 9.4% use LPG. 56.3% households have phone facility and only 4.3% people possess laptops with internet.
Prime Minister Modi has given renewed strength and vision to the people of Jayapur.
Reaching out to the villagers of Jayapur, Modi said he was not adopting the village, but the village was adopting him.
He also said that the villagers must find out about their history to develop a sense of belonging. This legend of Jayapur could certainly be a reason not just for them but for all of us to know more about the land that we live on.