Mumbai terror attack: Terrorists wanted by India
New Delhi: The memories of the carnage in Mumbai five years ago may have slowly faded, but there has always been one persistent question - why did terrorists kill innocents? The 10 terrorists involved in
6. Yusuf Muzammil
Status Unknown, Presumed living in Pakistan – Senior member of Lashkar-e-Taiba. Named as the handler of Faheem Ansari, who was arrested in February 2008 scouting sites for attack in Mumbai, as well as mastermind of the attacks by surviving gunman Amjal Kamal.
Status Unknown, Presumed living in Pakistan – Senior member of Lashkar-e-Taiba. Named as the handler of Faheem Ansari, who was arrested in February 2008 scouting sites for attack in Mumbai, as well as mastermind of the attacks by surviving gunman Amjal Kamal.